Cement Driveway, The Benefits.

When selecting material with which to pave your driveway, it’s smart to look at the pros and cons of both. Typically, driveways are made of either asphalt or cement. There are many benefits to having a cement driveway versus an asphalt one. Though cement driveways are typically more expensive than others, they generally require much less maintenance as they don’t crack or acquire holes as often as other types of driveway pavement.

The most important benefit of cement is that it is extremely durable so it won’t ruin by being driven over and won’t get marked up from heavy foot traffic. Cement can also be colored, textured or stamped to give it the look you desire. Cement driveways can be polished and sealed, giving it more of a clean look while also protecting it from natural weather, oil spills or marks. If you live in an environment with a lot of snow or rain, you may need to seal more often and should do so in the fall. It is easier to get rid of snow on your cement driveway versus an asphalt one. Another benefit is that cement provides temperature control – you won’t have to worry about stepping on hot pavement in the summer with the light-colored cement!

Maintaining the cement is easy and it can simply be scrubbed down with soap and water. Pressure washing may be necessary on occasion, as well. Though cement may stain due to its lighter color, it is easier to remove the stains and give it a fresh look. Cement can come in various colors, allowing you to choose what looks best with your home. There is a lot of versatility in design, stain and texture. Call us today at (313) 277-2676.

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D&G Cement Co. has the skill, experience and use only the most cutting-edge techniques which make us the only choice for all your concrete needs. Request an Estimate today!